Fishing Report 05/03/2018

Inshore / Nearshore:
We've been getting a lot of calls about Cobia this week, we haven't weighed any fish yet. One of our charter boat captains has been out every day this week looking for them and has seen 2 fish in a lot of searching. I talked to a customer today that said he spotted a Cobia just off Fort Macon, so any day looks like these fish should be moving in. Bottom line we need more bait to show up, we've only seen a few schools along the beaches so far, most of it is holding just off the beaches but seems to be moving this way. So, I wouldn't be surprised if we put some fish on the scales this coming up weekend. From what we're seeing with bait and water temps this week and the next 4 weeks should be the time to catch them. These fish amaze me year after year, one day they aren't here then they just show up out of nowhere; so you need to get ready the time is very close.
Still seeing good numbers of Sea Mullets in the area, the best action we've seen this week has been Barden’s Inlet at Cape Lookout. With all the rain last week, the fish that were in the Turning Basin seemed to have got pushed out into the ocean or either wasn't feeding in the dirty water that was flushing out. Now, over the last couple of days the water has cleaned up in the basin area and we started seeing some fish again. It’s no secret Sam’s Gitter Rigs tipped with bait shrimp seems to be out fishing everything, the Gitter Man just re-stocked us today for the weekend.
Chopper Bluefish still in the area, there's been a great run over the last two weeks. Really no “Hot Spot” for these fish, they are all up and down the beaches and around Cape Lookout area. The anglers fishing in boats for them are having the best luck on larger Top-water plugs; they are picking up here at the shop. Last week and this week, anglers have been sight casting to them in the shallow sand flats around Cape Lookout. Also, we've been finding them on the inside sand flats just inside the inlets. Nothing like seeing these fish crush a Top-water, because most will be a 8 to 15lb fish and also will jump clean out of the water. These fish will also hit larger metal spoons when they aren't feeding on top taking the Top-water lures. Also, the smaller fish are in the area in good numbers, been plenty behind Shackleford Banks this week and long the beaches. Trolling Bowed-Up Spoons and Clarkspoons have been working well when looking for the smaller fish.
We have started to see the first signs of Spanish this week, had a customer yesterday catch a handful trolling around Shackleford Banks. Just talked to a customer today that caught 30 the last two days up around Cape Lookout trolling spoons off the Shoals. By next week, we could be seeing some really good action along the beaches and inlets. Trolling Bowed-up Spoons and Clarkspoons will be a good choice along with casting small jigs when they get here in better numbers.
Albacore still hanging along the beaches and pretty easy to catch if you're looking for them, best area has been up off the Cape but the other day we did see some off AB beach. The heavy glass minnow jigs we have in the shop and Albie Snax are working well.
Gray Trout are stacking up at the reefs just off the beach AR315 has been a good place to catch them, jigging Stingsilvers off the bottom has been getting all you want to catch. These fish should be moving on toward the inlet and into the basin in the next week or so. Of what we have been seeing the majority of them have been around 13 to 15″ size fish. Also, lots of smaller bluefish mixed in with them around the reefs.
Funny enough, the Redfish are still at Shark Island, Those poor fish have been hammered over the last month but they still seem to be biting if you want to go catch them. We are seeing more on the inside now, talked to a few Redfish anglers that had some really good luck last weekend in the marsh areas.
Piers / Surf:
Anglers have been having a great time with the Chopper Bluefish. It's not all the time when you can catch a fish from the Surf that ranges 8 to 15lbs that fights like CRAZY. Last weekend, we saw lots of action some customers reported back catching up to 20 fish or more just fishing off the beaches. The best areas to fish for the giants seems to be from the Oceanana Pier up to Fort Macon Park, the piers also are seeing good numbers of fish. The Sea Striker Finger Mullet Rigs rigged up with dead finger mullet is the easiest way to catch these monsters from the Surf Zone, but last weekend the fish were hitting Top-water Poppers too. We have a good supply of these here in the shop. We should see these fish hang around for the next few weeks, so get out and take advantage of this great action.
Sea Mullet action still been good this week, most of the fish have been caught off the Oceanana Pier with a pretty steady bite. Anglers fishing bottom rigs tipped with bait shrimp are having the best luck. Also, some of the Surf anglers have been catching some good fish working the holes up and down the beach.
Along with the Choppers, the smaller Bluefish have been biting good, some anglers are catching them plugging Got-Cha Plugs off the piers. Also, there's been a few Spanish caught in the mix but no numbers yet, but with the warmer weather over the next week or so we should start to see some good action any day since some of the boat anglers are already seeing some good numbers.
Few Spots, Croakers, Pompano and Blowfish also have been in the mix along the Surf Zone, no huge numbers but seeing some steady action with the bottom feeders. Bait Shrimp and Bloodworms seem to be working the best for the bottom feeders.
Still seeing some Red Drum on the rougher days in the suds along with some Black Drum, actually seeing a decent bite at times. The best bite has been up at Cape Lookout for the drum but some anglers have been seeing some off Atlantic Beach also up around Fort Macon. Bait Shrimp along with cut mullet has been the best choice when searching for the drum.
Finally, we've had a stretch of decent weather for boats to fish, last weekend and into this week plus the fish have been biting. Last Sunday, was some of the best fishing we've seen since last season, boats were catching Wahoo, Gaffer Dolphin, Black Fin Tuna and still seeing good numbers of Yellow Fin Tuna. We haven't seen Yellow Fins in our area in quite some time to amount to anything like this. The best action seems to be around the Rise and the Swansboro Hole area, but now starting to see some fish move up toward the Big Rock area. Even had a customer report back yesterday that he caught a Blue Marlin, which is one of the first I've heard of this season, so the Gulf Stream fishing is getting very good.
Keep in mind if you like to Offshore fish in our area from now through June will be the peak of Gaffer Season, usually end of the month is when they are here in the largest numbers and the easiest to catch. We have a great selection of fresh Baitmaster and Bionic Ballyhoo that has been working very well for our customers.
Grouper Season is now open and the fish have been biting, been some good numbers of fish over on the East Side areas then on out to the 30-40-mile ledges around the 90' Drop out. Also, plenty of Sea Bass, Trigger Fish, Snappers out at the bottom grounds to catch.
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512