Fishing Report 03/22/2018

We just can't get a break with the weather, this week we saw temps close to 70 now back into the 30’s at night. This has to be the craziest March I can remember in a long time; old man winter will just not let go. But, I guess it could be worse like the people up north getting Nor’easter after Nor’easter bringing record amounts of snow. At least, we are having a few good days here and there to get out and catch some fish. It's finally looking like next week we could see a steady warmer weather pattern starting, so just maybe spring will be here to stay. What we're seeing after next Tuesday, the temps are going to be in the 60’s for 10 days straight, so if that holds true the water temps will be on the rise and get more fish on the move toward us.
Inshore / Nearshore:
This week, we have seen some Redfish action in the backwaters, just had a customer send me a message about how he's been finding nice schools of fish holding up in some of the local creeks as the cold weather has them back bunched up in tight schools. Also, we've seen some action out around Cape Lookout on the point and a few being caught around the rock jetty. If the winds lay down for Saturday that might be a good time to go look for the Old Drum on out off the point. There should be some around being this time last year anglers were having very good luck catching them, but the weather was a lot better.
Some of our trout customers that have still been fishing for the sport of it are still having some good action on up toward the Neuse River. Robert, from the shop did find a creek last weekend that was holding some nice Speckled Trout close to Morehead so there's a few around to catch. Most anglers fishing for the trout are having the best luck on 17MR Mirrloures in some of our custom colors here in the shop.
I didn't hear of or see any Bluefish this week, but I did get good reports back from some of the boats that went Offshore bottom fishing saying some of the wrecks and reefs just off the Cape were loaded with them. So, that means once this weather breaks next week and the water starts to warm back up, they will be moving right to us.
Piers / Surf:
All of the piers are now open, but as far as fishing it's been pretty slow so far. About all the anglers have been seeing is a few Black Drum, Red Drum and Sand Sharks off the bottom using bait shrimp. A few surf guys have been picking up some Speckled Trout and Red Drum over at the Radio island beach at times but it's been very hit or miss. It won't be long when we'll begin to see a steady run of bottom fish and Bluefish; we hope.
A few boats did make it out last weekend but fishing was a little on the slow side, some boats went as far as 80 miles south to find warmer pockets of water. There was a few Wahoo and Blackfin caught but we haven't had that big push of Hoos come up yet, but if the weather pattern holds for next week with the warming trend coming it won't take long they'll be right where they are supposed to be: around the Swansboro Hole and the Rise. Also, a few customers went out to the bottom fishing grounds catching Sea Bass, Snappers and Trigger Fish. Most all the boats were reporting of seeing nice catches of Grouper but they had to be released because of the season being closed.
Wish we had more to report but it's what it is right now, we just need that water temp to start rising again so the fish can get back to their springtime patterns. We are so ready, it's been a long winter around the shop so that has given us plenty of time to get ready for the season, we have more stock than we have ever had to help you catch more fish. Come check the shop out!
REGISTRATION opens March 30th, you can call the shop to sign up over the phone or come by the shop in the person to sign up.
– Entry must sign up at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors or over the phone by an official weigh master. Official weigh master are any employees of Chasin Tails Outdoors and Tournament Director is Capt. Matt Lamb.
– Entry fee of $250.00 per boat, paid by cash or entry fee of $255.00 paid by debit/credit card, this is a 100% Payout back to the anglers.
– There is no sign up dead line – you can enter at any time during March 30th – June 14th.
– TWT Entry Fee $50.00 – Optional – Winner takes all pot.
– This is a boat format tournament – each boat entered will have to designate an official Captain and co-Captain (optional) for each boat entered. One of the two has to be present to weigh a fish to sign off on boat weigh sheet to be kept on file at Chasin Tails Outdoors as the official weigh card for that boat.
– Each boat entered can only be registered once.
– There are no restrictions as to the number of people allowed aboard each boat during the competition hours.
– Any Official weigh master reserves the right to refuse entry from any applicant, if needed.
– Entry must abide by official guidelines set by NC Marine Fisheries on minimum length requirements to be eligible.
– Fish must be caught in North Carolina waters. No boundaries.
– Entry must have entered 3 days prior to weighing in a fish.
– Prize money will be awarded solely on the basis of weight. Entry may weigh in additional fish to replace prior weight.
– Entry can win only one prize within the payout.
– In the event of a tie; winner will be determined by the following: weigh master will log fish by date, weight; weigh in time earliest will be winner.
– Fish must be weighed by official weigh master at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors. Weight will be logged and initialed by weigh master and registered entry.
– Fish will be weighed on a certified tournament pro hanging digital scale.
– Fish must be caught on rod/reel, hook and line only, no spear fishing or free gaffing allowed.
– Entry can fish anytime during challenge dates, May 1st – June 17th.
– Live or artificial bait is allowed.
– Weigh master can disqualify fish due to (net marks, spear marks, etc.).
– Fish must be freshly caught (24 hours limit) to weigh fish in. The weigh master will cut the tail of the fish when weighed in.
– Fish can only be caught by one boat entered in the event. Cannot weigh in fish caught by someone else. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
– Violation of any rule may result in automatic disqualification. The weigh master shall be the sole judge and their decision is final. The weigh master reserves the right to examine internally and externally any fish weighed. Fish will be gutted if any questions by weigh master.
– Top five places will be subject to lie detector test or polygraph by certified tester.
– The tournament director reserves the right to make the sole determination as to whether any of the challenge rules have been violated. Any questions concerning the rules and regulations should be directed to Matt Lamb, head tournament director. Tournament Director has the right to change any rule at any time if needed.
– Scales will be open during regular business hours. (NO EXCEPTIONS) fish can be brought by water or by land to the scales.
– Decisions of the Tournament Director are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal and are not reviewable by any court of law.
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512