Fishing Report 07/27/2017

Inshore / Nearshore:
Flounder fishing this week has been pretty good. We’ve seen a couple nice fish this past week. Anglers are having luck either fishing inside or out around the AR Reefs. On the inside anglers have been fishing the port area along with the bridges. Also, we’ve heard of some good action while fishing in the marsh and the ICW docks so don’t pass those by. The shallower water seems to be holding a few more fish than the deeper water around the port area. Live Mud Minnows and Live Finger Mullet have been the best key to success plus the Berkley Gulp baits have been a successful artificial option. Anglers that have been fishing the reefs are using the Spro 2oz Bucktails tipped with the Berkley Gulp Shrimp 4” in White or Glow. We’ve seen decent catches from both inside and out!
The sheepshead fishing has continued to be good over the past week. Anglers have been bringing in several nice fish to the scales over the past week most topping the scales at 5+lbs. With the wind blowing the way it has this year we’ve seen a lot of anglers tackling sheepshead fishing. Both of the area bridges have been holding good fish along with anglers having luck while fishing the port wall area when possible there’s been a lot of ships docked there. Anglers are also having good luck fishing around the docks or any concrete structure is good to try. Live Fiddler Crabs and Sea Urchins are the bait of choice of bait.
The Redfish bite has been good, seems like there’s more fish in the area this year. We’ve heard of a good many fish in the 18” to 30” range in the area. Some good places to try fishing are up in the marsh, creeks and some of the flats. Look for some reds to be around grassy points, oyster bars and some of the shallow flats. Anglers have also reported some catches while fishing the Railroad Tracks and the Beaufort High-rise Bridge. While fishing up in the marsh and the flats the key to success has been popping corks with either live mud minnows or live shrimp. The Berkley Gulp baits are also a good option while fishing corks if you want to go with an artificial option. Anglers have also been having luck fishing Top water lures like the Spook Jr’s and Skitter Walks.
The Spanish fishing has continued to be good. Anglers have been reporting good catches from the Beaufort Inlet on up to the Cape. The schools that have been out there have been a mixed size with some being 20”+. When anglers can find them schooled up, they’ve been catching them casting with the heavy glass minnow jigs we have in the shop along with the casting jigs. The most action with the schools has been around the inlet on high tides when the fish are feeding. Trolling for Spanish has also been producing good numbers. Anglers have been using #1 planners with either Clarkspoons or the Bowed-up Spoons and having success with both. It’s also a good idea to have a Bird Rig ready since the fish have been schooled up and on top.
Along with the Spanish anglers have been reporting catches of Snake Kings off the beach at AR 315. Over on the East Side of the Cape we can report anglers are catching them there to. Good place to try over there would be the Atlas Tanker area. We haven’t really heard of any big ones yet most have been in the 10-15lb range.
We’ve heard of a few old drum being caught up on Neuse. It hasn’t really kicked off good yet but we are hoping for a good year! We will have Fresh Mullet, Shad and Chum in-stock and ready for action!
Shark fishing from both boat and the surf has been good if you’re into that. Shark guys that have been fishing around the port are catching Bull, Bonnet Head and Nurse Sharks ranging from 4-6’. Fishing around the inlet you can expect about the same as the port with the addition of Sandbar Sharks all still in that 4-6’ range. Shark fishing from the surf you can expect to catch Atlantic Sharp Nose along with Blacktips that range from 2-3’ with a few bigger ones in the mix moving through. The best bait to get in on some of this action would be some Fresh Mullet, Bonita, and Boston Mackerel. A lot of the Shark guys will also use chum to get them really fired up. We have all of this bait in-stock and ready for you to get in on some of this action.
Piers / Surf:
Out on the pier anglers have been having luck Spanish fishing early in the mornings and late in the evenings. Catching them either plugging Gotcha Plugs or casting the small jig fish we have. As far as anything else it’s been on the slow side. Bottom fishing anglers have caught a few Sea Mullets, Pompano and Black Drum.
Down in the surf, we’ve heard reports of some Red Drum and a few Flounder being caught. The Flounder have been hitting the mud minnows on a Carolina rig. The best bet for reds from the surf would be some fresh mullet. Fort Macon State Park area is a good area to try for both reds and flounder along with all other kinds of fish.
With the way the wind has been blowing not that many boats have been Offshore. When anglers do get a good day and are able to get out there we’ve heard good reports. The bottom fishing has been good with anglers have good catches of Grouper, Trigger fish, Sea Bass and all kinds of fish. The most constant action we’ve heard has been from the East Side of the Cape. Anglers have been fishing the reefs ledges and live bottom area over there with very good success.
The Dolphin fishing has been hit or miss. Our charter fleet has been able to find a few over the past week but not many. Areas to try Sea Buoy, Northwest Places and Big 10/Little 10 pulling small or medium ballyhoo. Since the water has warmed up they are really scattered. We’ve gotten reports of a good Blackfin bite offshore when the weather has been right to get out there. It won’t be long and we’ll be in September – November and the Wahoo action will start up.
Braggin' Board
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512