Fishing Report 11/06/2014

Looks like this weekend is going to have a pretty good weather window to get some fishing in and the fish have been biting… Saturday & Sunday, they are calling for Light North Winds with tempertures in the 60's.
Live Shrimp, Live Finger Mullet, & Live Mud Minnows
IN-STOCK for the weekend…
Fresh Jumbo Mullet, Finger Mullet & Shrimp
The Speckled Trout fishing has really picked up this week with many nice fish coming to the scales. Just in the last two days, we’ve weighed 5 fish over 5lbs and one over 6lbs. So far, we are seeing way better action than last year. We only weighed a handful of fish over 5lbs last year. Already, we’re way past that this year and it’s not gotten cold yet.
I fished yesterday morning and had a 3 man limit all ranging in the 18 to 20” range. What we’re seeing right now, these fish are only feeding at certain times. Like this past Monday, I fished an area in the afternoon and only had 3 keepers but the same area in the morning produced over 30 keepers. So, keep that in mind, just because you don’t catch your limit doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
I’ve been hearing that from several customers about how they aren’t catching any and then anglers going right back to the same areas and catching limits plus more. Also, from what I observed yesterday the water is getting clear around Morehead and the fish we were catching are hanging right along the bottom.
Now, I know over in the Neuse where the water has some color to it, the anglers are still catching them on Topwater plugs. The areas that we have been seeing fish are very wide spread: the Haystacks, Core Creek, Middle Marsh, North River, Hoop Pole Creek, Bouge Sound, Neuse River, Radio Island, Cape Lookout Jetty and the beaches are all holding fish. Also, we’re still seeing good numbers of trout at the Atlantic Beach Bridge at night. Just the other night, a customer told me he got tired of catching them.
As far as the size of fish that has been very wide spread too. You’ll catch small fish in an area then move a 100 yards and catch keeper size fish. As far as, what’s working the best I’m hearing and seeing a lot of things: Berkley Gulp, Vudu Shrimp, Vudu Mullet, Mirrolures, DOA Shrimp, DOA Plastics, Zoom Plastics, Savage Shrimp, Strom Shrimp, Z-Man Plastics, Regular Curly Tail Grubs, Yo-Zuri 3D Shrimp and Yo-Zuri 3D Minnows. The best catch I’ve seen was yesterday, I asked the guys and they told me that right now they’re catching them on all kinds of baits like what’s listed above. Now, if you prefer live bait then Live Shrimp and Live Mud Minnows is the way to go. The guys that had the nice catch of fish picked up some Mud Minnows before leaving that morning and he called them his “trout candy” so that should tell us something right there. I’ve fished two trips this week and caught fish on both. Slip Float Rigs and Popping Corks both are working. What I saw, the biggest key is keeping the bait just off the bottom.
If you want to FISH… you still can sign up!!! Still plenty of time to FISH and the current CASH pot for 1st Place is over $2,000. Not bad for a $50 Entry Fee!!!
There’s plenty of Gray Trout in the area, with some nice sized fish around the Cape Lookout Jetty along with the Inlet and back toward the Turning Basin area. The bad thing about the whole deal is; you can only keep one fish per person. From what we see day in day out I don’t understand why we can’t go to 4 fish like the Speckled Trout. Well, maybe one day that will change because each season we’re seeing more and more.
Flounder fishing is still pretty good in the area, with most of the action coming from the Port Wall area. This time of the year it’s like a rest stop for the flounder moving toward the ocean. But don’t expect to go there day after day and fill your cooler because it’s not going to happen. You might limit out one day plus see other boats catching them then go back the next day and not catch any. You’ve got to keep in mind these fish are moving through so they won’t stay there long and a group can get fished out pretty quick. Live Mud Minnows fished right along the bottom have been very productive. Also, we’re seeing some being caught in the marsh areas on Berkley Gulps worked very slowly across the bottom. I’m sure there are some already around the reefs in the ocean to be caught using Spro 2oz Bucktails tipped with 4” Berkley Gulp Shrimp but the weather hasn’t given us to many chances to venture out over the last few weeks.
Spot Season is coming to a close, but just last weekend I know of anglers that caught quite a few and some has been caught this week. This has been a very good season on them, we started seeing them late September and anglers are still catching some. The Beaufort Draw Bridge area and Turning Basin both have been the best areas to fish. Live Bloodworms and Fishbites have been the best way to go when trying to catch them. Just yesterday, we had several boats buying Bloodworms heading over to the channels to fish for them.
We are still waiting on the Sea Mullets to show up in good numbers, so far we are seeing some in the area but just no huge numbers. But to tell you the truth I’m not seeing that many anglers really fishing for them. I have a feeling once the Spots completely move out they will move in. Hopefully, the numbers will start showing up here in the next few weeks. Areas that we have received reports of anglers catching the mullets have been the Inlet and a few back toward the Turning Basin. Usually, this time of year they’re starting to school up at the Dead Tree Hole but not yet. Spec-Rigs tipped with Shrimp and Fishbites is going to be the best choice when fishing for them.
Redfish have been thick down around Bear Island along the beach side in the Surf Zone. We are also seeing large schools form around Shark Island at the Cape Lookout area. Also, they will school around Rough Point off Shackleford Banks. When the weather’s right and allows you to fish the Surf Zone, you can really catch them. This time of the year and into the winter when they get along the beaches, they will form the largest schools of the year. Just remember, you have to be careful when fishing the Surf Zone from a boat. You always need to keep someone on the lookout for waves coming in. What we have seen Berkley Gulp is hard to beat. Anglers are still catching a few fish in the Marsh areas but what I have seen they are smaller fish.
King Mackerel fishing was good the two days anglers could get out. We weighed some in from the North West Places and from over on the East Side of the Cape in the last few days. With the last two days being warm, it should hold the fish in those areas for a few more days to catch. It looks like Saturday anglers are going to be able to get back out and try it again. Blue Water Dead Bait Rigs and Pirate Plugs rigged up with Dead Cigar Minnows have been working great, as the live bait is starting to get hard to find.
Albacore fishing is still good but the fish have seemed to have moved more off the beach and over on the East Beach from the cold front last week. I know the “King” guys have been reporting huge schools of fish around the North West Places all you want to catch and the same on the East Beaches.
Piers / Surf:
This week it’s been pretty good for the Speckled Trout action along the beach. Most anglers are having the best luck around the stop nets off the beach above Oceanana Pier and along in the deeper holes. There again, it’s been better in the morning right a daylight and late in the afternoon. But I did talk to some anglers that had pretty good luck during the day few days. It’s hard to say but for sure on one thing there is Trout along the beaches, you just have to figure out what time they’re feeding the best. We have already seen way more fish along the beach than we saw the whole season last year. Also, Radio Island beach access has been producing some fish with good limits of fish coming from that area. I would have to say, the best lures from the beaches has been Mirrolures and Regular Grub Curly Tails on a 3/8oz size jig head.
Also, anglers are catching some Trout off the piers fishing with Live Shrimp on Float Rigs right along the wash area. We are still seeing good numbers of Flounder in the Surf Zone with several small fish but anglers haven’t had a problem of landing a few to take home for dinner.
As far as bottom fishing we’re seeing a mixed bag of Spots, Sea Mullets, Pompano, Black Drum and Red Drum. There’s not any huge numbers but this time of the year you really never know what you might catch off the bottom now. Bait Shrimp, Fresh Mullet, Bloodworms, Live Minnows and Squid would all be good choices off the bottom.
Well, the weather’s still not been the best for Offshore fishing this week but a few boats did make it off yesterday and brought back some nice Wahoo’s. The ones that were caught were out around the Big Rock area. The bite was not red hot but we did weigh one in that was 60lbs and both boats had 3 or 4 fish in the box.
Some of the bottom boats are reporting some good Grouper action along with some other bottom feeders. There’s still AJ’s out around most of the hard bottom areas to catch too. It looks like maybe Sunday the ocean is going to be calm enough for boats to get back out, so we’ll see what happens.
Braggin Board:
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512