7th Annual Speckled Trout Challenge 08/26/2014

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN… 7th Annual Chasin Tails Outdoors Speckled Trout Challenge It's hard to believe it's time to “Speckled Trout” fish again… seems like just yesterday that I was handing out the prizes for last year’s event. This will be our 7th year since the event started and it's been growing each year with last year being our biggest yet paying out over $6,000 in Cash and Prizes with only a $50 Entry Fee per Angler. This event is 100% Payout what comes in goes right back to all the anglers. The event is for the whole family of all ages, so if you trout fish at all you have a chance of winning. We don't allow any full time guides fish in this event so it keeps everyone on a level fishing field. How the Speckled Trout fishing has been the last tow years and looks like this year going to even better its anyone to win. What anglers like most about this event is: you fish on your schedule because you have from September 1st – January 4th to catch your prize fish. This trout challenge isn't like most other Speckled Trout tournaments as they're one day events, this format gives anglers a chance to fish when they can (Night, Day, Boat, Shore) it doesn't matter as long as the fish is caught on a Rod & Reel/Hook & Line outfit anywhere in North Carolina. We give you a 24 hour window to weigh your fish allowing time if we're closed or if you're fishing away from our area or having to work. We try our best to make this event for the anglers. The event isn't just about seeing who can catch the largest Speckled Trout. Each month we'll be running a “Wild Card” fish weight. We pick a weight and the winner will be the angler that gets the closest to that weight or gets that exact weight. We always make sure it’s a lower weight that we pick so everyone has a chance. It gets exciting each month with anglers competing trying to get that exact weight. The winner will receive a Trout Rod valued around $50. Last year, we added something new to the event with a “Last Place” fish. For the angler that weighs in the lowest weight fish in the event will received a prize valued around $100 and that's for coming in last place. So, come join the fun and spread the word about the 7th Annual Chasin Tails Outdoors Speckled Trout Challenge. Dog Island Artworks has teamed back up with us this year offering the winner of the event a replica mount of their trophy fish. As you can see from last year's winning mount, Dog Island Art Works does beautiful works of art and it'll be something you'll always treasure. Also, we'll have one made for the “Speckled Trout Challenge Wall of Fame” to stay on display for everyone to see here in the shop.
2014 Official Rules & Regulations
1. Entry must sign up at Chasin' Tails Outdoors by official weigh master.
2. Entry fee of $50 paid by cash or entry fee of $55 if paid by debit / credit card.
3. Challenge designed for the everyday or weekend fisherman. No professional full-time guides are allowed to enter. The weigh master reserves the right to refuse entry from from any applicant.
4. Entry must abide by official guidelines set by NC Marine Fisheries on minimum length requirements to be eligible.
5. Fish must be caught in NC waters. No boundaries.
6. Fish must have entered 5 days prior to weighing in a fish.
7. Prize money will be awarded solely on the basis of weight. Entry must weigh in additional fish to replace prior fish.
8. Entry can only win only one prize within the 10 places.
9. In the event of a tie. winner will be determined by the following weigh master will log fish by date, weight, earliest weigh in time will be the winner.
10. Fish must be weighed in at Chaisn Tails Outdoors by a official weigh master.
11. Fish must be caught on rod/reel, hook and line solely.
12. Entry can fish anytime during the challenge dates.
13. Entry can fish from surf, pier, kayak,land, canoe or boat.
14. Live or artificial bait is allowed.
15. Weigh master can disqualify fish due to (net marks, spear marks, etc.)
16. Fish must be weighed in within 24 hours of being caught. Weigh master will cut tail when the fish is weighed, to make sure fish is not weighed again.
17. Fish can only be caught by one registered. Cannot weigh in fish caught by someone else. NO MATTER WHAT.
18. Violation of any rule will result in a automatic disqualification. The weigh master master shall be the sole judge and their decisions is final. The weigh master reserves the right to examine internally and externally and fish weighed. Fish will be gutted if any question by master master.
19. Top ten places may be subject to a polygraph test before winners are announced.
20. The weigh master reserves the right to make the sole determination as to weather any of rules have been violated. Any questions concerning the rules and regulations should be directed to Matt Lamb, head weigh master.
21. Scales will be closed for holidays as listed. Will post at a later time.
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512