Fishing Report 03/17/2016

Can’t believe this warm weather we have been having over the last week, looks like a bit of a cool down this weekend but not too bad still low 60’s. Then next week temps pop right back up into the high 60’s, low 70’s. So things are looking good so far for our early spring weather, I guess that ole groundhog was right this time around.
Sea Mullets have made a showing this week, they are about 3 weeks earlier than they were last year. What we have seen so far have been pretty nice. Some of the anglers reporting back on some of the largest they have ever seen this early in the season. Most of the action has been in the Beafort Inlet from the 21bouy to the 18bouy over the last few days. If the water temperatures keep rising I see the fish to keep on moving in toward the turning basin, but could stop in eth next few days when the cold front hits and stay in eth area they are in now for any anglers wanting to give it a shot this upcoming weekend. Sam Gitters and Betts Spec rigs tipped with bait shrimp and fishbites have been working great. Not seen any Gray Trout, Hog Fish or Spots mixed in yet but that would not surprise me as the mullets making an early showing. But we have seen some Puffer fish around the Beaufort High rise bridge and starting to show up along the beaches in good numbers.
Black Sea Bass fishing still remains great just off the beach, all the reefs are holding fish but what we have seen you need to get out to at least to AR330 to really start to see good numbers of keeper fish. AR285 is also holding a few keeper size bass. Squid fished on eth bottom has been getting plenty of action along with Live Mud Minnows.
Redfish, Black Drum, and Speckled Trout still holding in the creeks along Bogue Sound. Just saw a picture yesterday of a 6lb Speckled Trout that was caught in a creek not too far from the AB high rise. Bait Shrimp fished on the bottom has been working well on the Black Drum, Red drum Live Mud Minnows and Cut Mullet. Speckled Trout have been mostly Mirrrolures and Z-Man baits fished slowly across the bottom.
Piers / Surf:
Good new the Oceanana Pier is now open, along with Bogue Pier opening last weekend. We have seen good numbers of puffers being caught off bogue this week so I expected once the gates open at the Ocenana Pier we will see the same action on this end. Not see any Sea Mullet action along the beaches yet, but they are in the inlet so all we need is for the water temperatures to rise just a bit more and they will make their way into the shallower water areas allowing the piers and surf anglers to get in on the action. The Beafort High Rise Pier also has been seeing good number of puffers and has seen a few small Sea Mullets over the last week. Bait Shrimp has been the main choice fished on the bottom, but Squid and Mullet also would not be a bad choice to take along. The grounds out pass the 210 Rock have been producing huge Sea Bass in the 5lb range. Also good numbers of fish coming from eth 14 buoy area.
Action has been pretty good when the winds will allow boats to get out. Last week we saw some great catches of Wahoo from eth Swansboro Hole back up toward the Rise. The largest Hoo we have seen so far topped the scales at 67lbs last week. Mixed in with the Wahoo has been good numbers of Black Fin Tuna, even a few Yellow Fin. The bottom fishing has been just about as good as it gets the key to find the big numbers of fish has been pushing on offshore in the 35 to 40 mile range. So just have to keep an eye on the weather, and take advantage of the good fishing when the weather allows. We have plenty of Squid, Sardines, Mackerel, Cigar Minnows, Ballyhoo in-stock ready for action.
Registration is now OPEN for our 5th Annual Cobia Challenge!!!
Sign up at the shop or by phone at 252-240-FISH (3474)
5th Annual Cobia Challenge Rules
1. Entry must sign up at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors or over the phone by an official weigh master. Official weigh master are any employees of Chasin Tails Outdoors and Tournament Director.
2. Entry fee of $50.00 paid by cash or entry fee of $55.00 paid by debit/credit card.
3. Any Official weigh master reserves the right to refuse entry from any applicant, if needed.
4. Entry must abide by official guidelines set by NC Marine Fisheries on minimum length requirements to be eligible.
5. Fish must be caught in North Carolina waters. No boundaries.
6. Entry must have entered 3 days prior to weighing in a fish.
7. Prize money will be awarded solely on the basis of weight. Entry may weigh in additional fish to replace prior weight.
8. Entry can win only one prize within the ten (10) places (money or tackle).
9. In the event of a tie; winner will be determined by the following: weigh master will log fish by date, weight; weigh in time earliest will be winner.
10. Fish must be weighed by official weigh master at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors. Weight will be logged and initialed by weigh master and registered entry.
11. Fish must be caught on rod/reel, hook and line solely; you cannot hand off rod to another angler. You can have another angler assist in Gaffing fish and helping in landing the fish. But at no time other anglers are allowed to hold the rod this fish is being caught on. ( NO EXPECTIONS)
12. Entry can fish anytime during challenge dates, April 16th – June 12th, 2013.
13. Entry can fish from surf, pier, kayak, canoe or boat.
14. Live or artificial bait is allowed.
15. Weigh master can disqualify fish due to (net marks, spear marks, etc.).
16. Fish must be freshly caught (24 hours limit) to weigh fish in. The weigh master will cut the tail of the fish when weighed in.
17. Fish can only be caught by one registered. Cannot weigh in fish caught by someone else.(NO EXCEPTIONS)
18. Violation of any rule may result in automatic disqualification. The weigh master shall be the sole judge and their decision is final. The weigh master reserves the right to examine internally and externally any fish weighed. Fish will be gutted if any questions by weigh master.
19. Top ten places may be subject to a polygraph test before winners are announced.
20. The tournament director reserves the right to make the sole determination as to whether any of the challenge rules have been violated. Any questions concerning the rules and regulations should be directed to Matt Lamb, head tournament director. Tournament Director has the right to change any rule at any time if needed.
21. Scales will be open during regular business hours. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
22. Decisions of the Tournament Director are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal, and are not reviewable by any court of law.
Phone: 252-240-FISH (3474)
709 Atlantic Beach Caseway, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512